
Colossians and Philemon: So Walk in Him is unavailable, but you can change that!

Come and hear a wonderful story of evangelism, church planting, and Christian growth. Colossians was a letter which would have first been read by Tychicus in Philemon’s house in Colossae. The people who were to read that letter had been converted as a result of Paul’s teaching in Ephesus (Acts 19). As they read they were are about to better understand better the reality of life in Christ, and...

fullness of God’s power, all the fullness of God’s purposes) was pleased to dwell in Jesus. It was God’s pleasure and delight that this should be so. To what end? That ‘all things’ (again filled out as in verse 16: whether on earth or in heaven) might be reconciled through him and to him. The great rupture in the unity and harmony of all things has been mended through Christ’s sacrificial death: making peace by the blood of his cross. The rebellion has been put down, the hostilities have been brought
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